Notes on "condensed milk". Claudia

Tyumen Theatre "Engagment", 2012

In the basis of the performance "Notes on condensed milk. Claudia" - diary entries of a real person Claudia Grigoryevna Gulenkova, and also later memories of her husband and close relatives. Claudia began writing her diaries during the war years. Fights are going on somewhere, funerals are coming to friends and letters from the front, Claudia almost never comments on these events, they enter her life through dreams, which she scrupulously writes down. The family members who carefully keep her notes, themselves continue to work on fixing their daily life.

Playwright: Andrei Stadnikov

Director: Olesya Nevmerzhitskaya

Set designer: Svetlana Likhosherstova

Lighting Designer: Mars Abdrazakov

Videographer: Asya Mukhina

Choreographer: Andrey Smirnov
