Time for a Role

Education Centre ММОМА, 2019

This performance, which took place once on the territory of the Moscow Museum of Modern Art (MMOMA), was timed to the exhibition dedicated to the memory of the famous Russian actor and director Dmitry Vladimirovich Brusnikin. The number of participants in the performance was equal to the number of roles he played during his life (almost 50). Each participant had independently chosen a text from the proposed role, which he would like to voice. Lined up in a "time line" (each holding a balloon on which the year of the role they had been given was written), they approached the microphone one by one, beginning with the first year, and read their text, then left the space. It is important to note that the participants were dressed in the costumes of the conditional person of their year (for example, someone was dressed in a military uniform because the year of his role was the war in Afghanistan, etc.).

Director: Andrei Stadnikov

Set designer: Alexey Lobanov

Composer: Dmitry Vlasik

Lighting designer: Anton Astakhov

Assistant director: Anastasia Korobeynikova

Premiere: November 1, 2019
