This is also me

A co-production of the Moscow Art Theatre School ("Masterskaya Dmitriya Brusnikina") and the "Praktika" Theatre (Moscow), 2011

"This is also me. Verbatim" is the first performance of the Brusnikin Workshop. Sophomores molested people on the street and asked about everything in the world.

Director Yuri Kvyatkovsky says that by working with the genre of verbatim, "a person begins to understand the structure of a character, to realize what theater is. They are still almost children, but it turns out that they are also able to formulate meanings. They absolutely consciously analyze the problem of a person, understand how he lives, and try to convey it in a monologue. In addition, verbatim helps to invest in students the idea that the theater is a civil institution, that one must somehow find oneself in this institution. Observing some everyday, social things, one can reach the metaphysical level."

The actors take turns taking the stage and suddenly become different people — those whom, on the instructions of the director, they met on the street or in the store. It can be an old woman or a schoolgirl, a guest worker or a businesswoman. From this string of faces, an amazing picture of the city, seen through the eyes of twenty-year-olds, is formed.

Playwright: Andrei Stadnikov

Directors: Dmitry Brusnikin, Yuri Kvyatkovsky

Teachers: Kazimir Liske, Alexey Rozin

Set designer: Alexey Tseglov

Costumes: Asya Solovieva

Videographer: Mikhail Zaikanov
